Introducing House File 332On Monday, 2/11/19, nine State Representatives introduced House File 332: An Act relating to the practice of alternative and complementary medicine, and making penalties applicable. House File 332 would allow Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioners, including naturopathic doctors, to legally offer their services within the State of Iowa, providing their clients sign written consent acknowledging the following:
“The state of Iowa has not adopted educational and training standards for unlicensed complementary and alternative healthcare providers. This statement of credentials is for informational purposes only. If a client wishes to receive healthcare from a licensed healthcare provider, the client may seek such care at any time. Clients receiving treatment from a licensed provider of healthcare should consult with a licensed provider before modifying or discontinuing such treatment.” Because Iowa has historically been very strict about the type of healthcare services practitioners may offer within the state, this proposed legislation is a very exciting development! It is the first step in advancing eventual licensure for naturopathic doctors. How You Can Help
ABOUTVis medicatrix naturae, or healing power of nature, is one of six foundational principles of naturopathic medicine. Voice of the Vis Blog provides a platform for integrative health professionals to speak on the healing power of nature, and on other relevant topics of interest. AuthorSContributions to Voice of the Vis Blog are courtesy of naturopathic doctors and naturopathic students attending accredited naturopathic colleges, and other integrative health professionals, including Medical Doctors (MDs), Osteopathic Medical Doctors (DOs), and Chiropractors (DCs). Archives
February 2019